ST. [Export Emissions], [Export Emissions] [Export Emissions], [Export Emissions], [SINGLE REAR WHEELS], [Export Emissions], [Dual Rear Wheels], [17.2 GALLON FUEL TANK], [17.2 GALLON FUEL TANK], [Dual Rear Wheels], [34 GALLON FUEL TANK], [Dual Rear Wheels], [35 Gallon Fuel Tank], [Dual Rear Wheels], [SINGLE REAR WHEELS], [SINGLE REAR WHEELS], [Export Emissions], [Dual Rear Wheels], [Painted Fuel Filler Door], Close stop, For Vehicles Built 12/19/12 and Later at Warren Truck and for Vehicles Built 01/05/13 and Later at Saltillo, Without [Dual Rear Wheels].