Power Train Parts Module. [8x30], [6-SPEED MANUAL AISIN BG6 TRANS] Intermediate Shaft Bracket to Engine Block, [M8x1.25X30.00], [M8x30], [M8x30] See Note, [ADAPTATION COMPONENTS], A/C DISCHARGE JUMPER TO CONDENSER, A/C LIQUID JUMPER TO CONDENSER, Adapter To Cylinder Block, Body 94, Bracket attaching, Bracket To Block, Bracket to Compressor M8x30, Bracket to head, Bracket to Transmission M8x30, Cylinder Head To Block [M 8x30], Engine Mount Bracket To Cylinder Block, Engine Oil Filter Adapter, Engine Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block, Exhaust Manifold To Cylinder Head, Idler Bracket Attaching, Idler Pulley Bracket To Head, Intake Manifold, M8x30, Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block, Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block [6-SPEED C635 MANUAL TRANSMISSION] [9-Spd 948TE FWD/AWD Auto Trans (Make] [9-Spd 9HP48 FWD/AWD Auto Trans (Buy], Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block [9-Spd 9HP48 FWD/AWD Auto Trans (Buy], Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block [6-SPD AISIN F21-250 GEN 3 AUTO TRANS], Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block [9-Spd 948TE FWD/AWD Auto Trans (Make], Oil Filter Adapter To Cylinder Block [9-Spd 948TE FWD/AWD Auto Trans (Make] [9-Spd 9HP48 FWD/AWD Auto Trans (Buy], Oil Filter Adaptor To Cylinder Block, Oil Pan To Cylinder Block, Power steering pump attaching, Power Steering Pump Bracket to Cylinder Block, POWER STEERING PUMP TO FRONT COVER, Tensioner attaching, Tensioner to Accessory Drive Bracket, TENSIONER TO ACCESSORY DRIVE BRKT, Tensioner To Bracket, Timing Case Cover To Cylinder Block, Timing Chain Cover To Engine Block, With Sales Code [REAR HEAVY DUTY AIR CONDITIONING].